From Outbreak to ‘Infodemic’: Insights and perspectives onnovel coronavirus reporting in AP

Last Friday, Singapore raised its 2019-nCoV alert to DORSCON code orange due to heightened risk. Reactions have been mixed – some people were gripped with an increasing sense of paranoia while, for others, it was business as usual.

As the virus is spreading, so too is false information. The World Health Organisation warned against “infodemic” – an abundance of information that may be accurate and inaccurate, making it difficult for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable advice.

As part of the GlobalHealth PR network, we know we have a role to play in providing insights that can help people think objectively around the virus. We collaborated with our partners around the region to give local perspectives on how media outlets are reporting on the virus, and how news is shared amongst people.

Read insights and perspectives from Asia Pacific GHPR partners below, or download the full one-pager here.


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